The International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs (IAGSDC) supports gay and lesbian Modern Western Square Dance (MWSD) clubs worldwide, including the United States, Canada and Japan. The organization was formed by and for lesbians and gay men and for their friends. You do not have to identify as gay or lesbian to dance with an IAGSDC club. Membership is open to all square dancers. All IAGSDC clubs dance the CallerLab specified levels of MWSD.

The International Association of Square Dance Callers who's mission statement is “To foster the art of square dance calling, and improve caller skills”. We fulfill this mission by providing guidance and education, certifying caller coaches, maintaining standardized lists of calls and definitions, and generally promoting the square dance activity”
Taminations are Square Dance animations of the Tam Twirlers Square Dance Club. Here you will find animations for calls from Mainstream through C3B programs. Most calls have several animations from different starting positions. Taminations are written and maintained by Brad Christie, webmaster of the Tam Twirlers Square Dance Club.

The Mason-Dixon Square Dancers Federation member clubs, dance schedules, lesson information, and more!
MDSDF clubs welcome dancers at all levels of modern western square and round dancing and our goal is to provide a time and place to meet every dancer's needs so that we can all enjoy dancing with friendly and welcoming people.
The Washington Area Square Dancers Cooperative Association is an organization run by dancers for dancers, that includes members in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and West Virginia. WASCA includes square dance clubs, round dance clubs, and clogging groups.

DC Lambda Squares
DC Lambda Squares is our IAGSDC sister club dancing at at National City Christian Church, 5 Thomas Circle NW, Washington, DC 20005 every Thursday night. They also hold Saturday social dances throughout the year in various locations.