Tuesday dancing is on hold until further notice.
Be well!

Visit the PTOH 2022 tab for details and flyer!
If you would like to join us on Zoom or for a hike, email us at ChesapeakeSquares@yahoo.com.

Chesapeake Squares is Baltimore's premier square dance club. Gays, straights, couples, and singles dance at various levels from beginner through advanced.
We were founded in 1986 with the help of DC Lambda Squares (the Washington, D.C. gay square dancing club), and held the first class in 1987. Some of our original members are still dancing today, and a couple of our members have even become professional square dance callers.
Club square dancing is:
Every Tuesday evening
7:30 pm to 9:30 PM
In a fabulous dance space at:
The Waxter Center
1000 Cathedral Street (at Eager)
Baltimore, MD 21201-5418
Free parking in adjacent lot.
Welcome to Baltimore's Friendly LGBTQ Dance Club for Everyone!

Oriole's Pride 2019

Dancing at PTOH
Chesapeake Squares is a member organization of the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs (IAGSDC). Dancers have a blast of high excitement at the national square dance convention (with upwards of 1,000 attending) hosted every year in the home city of a different member club. Weekend "fly-ins" throughout the year and across the USA and Canada can keep you traveling. Our own "Fly-In" is "Pass the Ocean, Hon!" held in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, in the spring every year.

Dancing at Waxter Center

World Pride Parade
New York City, 2019